Video Design
Engage, educate and entertain your audience with a custom video designed for web and social media consumption.
30-Second Comedy Video
Title Graphics, Script, Voiceover, and Stock Music
I shot and edited this video of an embarrassed young squirrel who just realized it was exploring a phony pine (Cell Phone Tree). I imagined It was probably pranked by the older squirrels while hunting for pine cones.🌲So just for fun, I wrote a quick script, performed voiceovers, added stock music, and designed a quick title graphic. It was so fun working on this!
Title Graphics, Script, Voiceover, and Stock Music
I shot and edited this video of an embarrassed young squirrel who just realized it was exploring a phony pine (Cell Phone Tree). I imagined It was probably pranked by the older squirrels while hunting for pine cones.🌲So just for fun, I wrote a quick script, performed voiceovers, added stock music, and designed a quick title graphic. It was so fun working on this!